Clark Gregg signed on to be a part of the There be Monsters Podcast in November 2019, however due to the pandemic, the cast had to record their parts at home instead of in studio. Back in August 2020, it was announced that Clark would join the amazing cast of John Boyega and Darren Criss. This podcast is a 10 part narrative sci-fi thriller, and even though some of the parts are unknown at this time, we do know that John Bodega will be playing Jack Locke who is a mysterious hero with a vendetta who infiltrates a Silicon Valley body hacking startup run. We are also aware that Darren Criss will play the enigmatic CEO (Max Fuller) of the company whose highly secretive creations promise to enhance biology in incredible ways. Of course, every drug has a side effect.
The production had plans to fly in actors to various cities where they record their parts, so instead, I Heart Radio sent each actor professional equipment and tutorials on how to record themselves in June 2020. Each member of the cast recorded their parts from home and collaborated via teleconferencing daily for 6 hours to bring this over four hundred pages of material project to life.
This podcast is being produced by Beau Flynn of FlynnPicturesCo, Dan Bush of Psychopia Pictures, and John Boyega of UpperRoom Productions. The series was created and directed by Dan Bush, who co-wrote along with tyro-writer Nicholas Tecosky.
“’There Be Monsters’ is a psychological thriller that chronicles the rise of humankind 2.0, and the disruptions to society that come with it,” said Bush. “We chose to format this story as a scripted podcast because it is an immersive, storytelling playground, and I am beyond excited to partner with this powerhouse team and talent to bring this singular show to life.”
The podcast is officially wrapped and in post-production and will be released this Fall on the IHeartPodcast Network which is home to more than 750 original podcasts with over 215 million downloads each month.