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Clark Gregg performs in a new play with 24 Hour Plays

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Clark Gregg performed under the name Ben in the 24 Hour Play called "The Far-Flung Four" which was written by Jonathan Marc Sherman, Performed by Josh Hamilton, Clark Gregg, Noah Galvin, Katherine McNamara and a special appearance by the charitybuzz walk-on winner, Phillip Lin. This act was directed by Gordon Greenberg.

In this 10 1/2 minute performance, Clark's character (Ben) was in a relationship with Noah's character (Johnny). However, they were on a double date zoom call.

24 Hour Plays earlier this year when Covid-19 hit, did a Viral Monologue in which Clark participated in.

If you would still like to donate to the 24 Hour Play, please do so HERE.

During this event, they released a Playbill for the Gala in which we have uploaded on our website HERE.



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