Clark recently spoke with about coming soon films Run Sweetheart Run and Moxie.
Run Sweetheart Run is a Blumhouse produced film that was recently picked up by Amazon once their theater release was delayed due to Covid19. No release for the movie has been announced but when asked about the film, Clark said:
"Run Sweetheart Run is a Blumhouse picture, a really cool movie with this really interesting filmmaker, Shana Feste, and a terrific cast. It’s from a really good part of Blumhouse where they make horror out of social genres. It’s kind of about sexual predators in a way as Get Out was with race issues taken to the horror degree. This is more of the kind of #MeToo predator taken to the horror degree and something I really enjoyed was being with the lead Ella Balinska, who I think is magnificent."
We have exclusive information which we received from Shana earlier in the year, that Clark's character name is James, and she also included that he is a Lawyer and boss of Cherie (Ella Balinska's character).
Clark also spoke about Moxie, which is a Netflix film coming up later this year.
"Moxie is a really delightful comedy that Amy Poehler directed and I’m just such a huge fan of hers. It’s really about a mother and a daughter, she played the mother and I got to play her new boyfriend that her daughter has some issues with. I thought it was a really delightful script and I just think she would do no wrong. I was thrilled to get to work with her simultaneously as an actor and to be directed by her."
While we don't have a lot of information on this film, we will continue to keep everyone up to date on any information on either movie due to their release.
Earlier today, Clark himself announced on his Instagram account that he was joining names like Star Wars star John Boyega and Darren Criss in a scripted 10 episode Podcast series called "There Be Monsters".
This podcast is set to premiere in the fall of 2020 and is being produced by IHeartRadio, FlynnPicturesCo, Psychopia Pictures and UpperRoom Productions.
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